Interesting Science Websites for Kids
Science at Camras
Students at Camras "do" science! Meaning they learn by engaging in investigations the way scientists do - through natural phenomena. Exploring natural phenomena leads to asking questions, planning and carrying out investigations, constructing explanations, etc. These practices are called Science and Engineering Practices and are practices that scientists engage in.
Preschool science is inquiry based.
Our students from Kindergarten through 8th grade are using the Amplify science curriculum, which is recommended by CPS.
Both types of curriculum integrate many research-based best practices in science. Both types of curriculum use inquiry based instruction.
Preschool science is inquiry based.
Our students from Kindergarten through 8th grade are using the Amplify science curriculum, which is recommended by CPS.
Both types of curriculum integrate many research-based best practices in science. Both types of curriculum use inquiry based instruction.
Music and Science
One of our 1st grade classes used their science knowledge of sound in music class when they created their own harmonica! When asked what is sound, one 1st grade student explained, "sound is vibrations". After creating their harmonicas, they had a great time playing their harmonicas!